Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Maze Game Requirements

 Title: Maze Game

1. Original Design
2. Original Cursor
3. Consider A Theme (not required)
4. Minimum 2 scenes
5. Must Import Sound
6. Create A Set of Directions

Note: your entire game can be made up of 3 frames in length and 2 layers per level (one for the cursor, the other for the maze). Of course, for more creative approaches you will add more to this basic layout.


Put stop(); on the first frame of every scene you make, otherwise your movie will loop endlessly.

What is the code for the MAZE --the number in parentheses refers to the losing message on that particular frame.


When your user reaches the winning goal button:

Note: the number "3" refers to frame 3.


What is the code for the CURSOR (a movie clip symbol)? (remember: put the code on the frame.)

(don't forget to add the instance name inside of your properties panel. you must select your movie clip first.)

startDrag("instance name", true);

How do you get a new SCENE?

Go to MENU and choose INSERT>SCENE

On your winning 3rd frame from your first level, you need to make another button that says "next level" so the user can go on to the next scene. 

Here's the code:
gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);
Note: the characters above in red could be different depending on the scene # and frame #...also, you may want your user to "press" instead of "rollOver".

Adding Sound: find the link that brings you to the website for all the sounds. Don't forget that you will be "saving link as" and it will be a .wav file type. Import into your library and place on the "over" state of any button you want to make a sound.

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